Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I live with a 90 year old woman...

whom others call "Nonna."

Okay, so this is hard...because even now that I have found wireless internet and I can use my computer, everything is still in Italian as far as the blog is concerned. So, it's difficult, but I will try to pull through.

Pictures should be to the left!

Okay, so there are a couple of panoramic shots and one of the street where my hotel was and then another of a street sign for the drivers and maybe that's it. I think there are some pics of the fam too:)

Love you guys. Miss you too!

I will actually write about some of my experiences next time, promise.



Blogger Sarah Gail said...

First- the 6th picture down is BEAUTIFUL. Not that the other's aren't but that's my favorite. So I stole it.

Second- When I first read the title of your post, and then saw the picture of you and your mom, I thought you were referring to her. I was about to comment "Nancy's gonna be pissed!" but then I realized you meant the actual 90 year old woman. And I laughed. While being sad for you.

I miss you. Hope you like my verbal diarrhea via a comment. Love!

9:42 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

Hey, Grace, that woman in blue doesn't look CLOSE to being 90 years old! Did you mean 30 years young? Where did you find her?
You're an extraordinary writer and obviously various Italian men are finding much about you to admire. The USA is lucky to have you as a rep over there. Keep up the good PR work!
~~ Much love from Iowa (currently)

8:58 AM  

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