I told you there was more.

Me and the sign at the school that I went to...this is VERY far from the hotel my mom and I are staying in. Which, while we're on the subject, is called Hotel de la Pace (or the Hotel of Peace), but OH NOOOOOO. There are no hooks, you have to put your card in the freaking wall to turn on the lights/AC, the fridge is not frigid, and the entire bathroom is like one big kiddie pool after you take a shower. More like Hotel de la Hell if you ask me and Mom.

Thus, the streets of Venice. Just like you imagined, huh?

Dad! Italian CORN! And a little irrigation. All from the train. Just for you!

Miss you all! Only about 4 weeks left! I'm like the little engine that could here..."I think I can, I think I can..." August 7th is closer every day!
Ciao for now,
um. . thanks.
(btw- i hope that the european sence(sp?) of humor has not hendered your ability to understand my wisecracks. your life would be very sad without them!!)
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