Ahhhhhhhh, Roma
I've been waiting to write that title line for some time now. Well, now that I've indulged, I would like to announce that I think I am allergic to Rome. Or cities. Or dirt, I guess if you get right down to it. In the hotel room, I'm GREAT. Once we hit the streets, I'm a big sneezing mess. So, after years of denial, I can only say that I am allergic to stuff.
Rome is a great city. It's also a very hot city with lots of big buildings and churches and art in those buildings and churches. Favorite thing thus far: Mom and I went to a Vivaldi concert the other night, very near the Piazza Navona, we heard his Gloria and some orchestral pieces. (That was some serious good worship time after being away from my church for this long) The concert was indoor, but actually in the courtyard of a bigger building, so there was no roof and the sound was just bigger than life from this rather small ensemble. Something I will remember.
Mom and I have been lucky to catch up with some really good tours at the sights that we have been going to see. Tomorrow we'll try the Vatican again, we'll be going at about 7 in the morning, before the heat of the day, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and 3 bottles of water in my purse to make sure that I don't pass out while waiting in line...this time around.
Tuesday, Mom and I part at the airport. She is leaving for America and I will be flying to Krakow where I will meet up with my second group from school for a tour of more Northern Europe. I'm looking forward to cooler temperatures, friends from school, new languages (regardless of how incapable I will feel not being able to speak to ANYONE), and less italian food. I love pasta, but I've had my fill. BASTA PASTA! (that means "enough pasta" in Italian:)
Love you guys. I really wish you were here and I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in only a few weeks!
Ciao for now,
Rome is a great city. It's also a very hot city with lots of big buildings and churches and art in those buildings and churches. Favorite thing thus far: Mom and I went to a Vivaldi concert the other night, very near the Piazza Navona, we heard his Gloria and some orchestral pieces. (That was some serious good worship time after being away from my church for this long) The concert was indoor, but actually in the courtyard of a bigger building, so there was no roof and the sound was just bigger than life from this rather small ensemble. Something I will remember.
Mom and I have been lucky to catch up with some really good tours at the sights that we have been going to see. Tomorrow we'll try the Vatican again, we'll be going at about 7 in the morning, before the heat of the day, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and 3 bottles of water in my purse to make sure that I don't pass out while waiting in line...this time around.
Tuesday, Mom and I part at the airport. She is leaving for America and I will be flying to Krakow where I will meet up with my second group from school for a tour of more Northern Europe. I'm looking forward to cooler temperatures, friends from school, new languages (regardless of how incapable I will feel not being able to speak to ANYONE), and less italian food. I love pasta, but I've had my fill. BASTA PASTA! (that means "enough pasta" in Italian:)
Love you guys. I really wish you were here and I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in only a few weeks!
Ciao for now,
girl i miss you tons! my heart is aching for a good coffee date with you. so enjoy northern europe, and then go back to nashville, hope a plane and come to see me! I've got the nice apartment on campus so there will be room for you!
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