I finally ate some gelato.
And it was tasty. And the weather is so great, that I might just go back and have more, later. What do you think of that?
Ready for pics of my apartment?

So that one is when you walk straight in the door. I've got to get some stuff for the walls, but that is my bed/fold-out loveseat...It's comfortable...

And these to pics are of my "kitchen" and from the direction of my bathroom. Look, there's my bed again!
So, that's my place, it's nothing grand, but it's all mine for the next six months or so, and I have faith that my padrone (landlord) will get me internet, soon!
I've pretty well settled into the city of Perugia. I know where lots of things are, and opening my eyes a little bit more everyday to find new things. I'm also reading plenty, and settling into the lifestyle...that one where they practice the art of doing absolutely nothing for hours at a time. I'm getting really good at that one.
And, I've pretty much decided it's over with Arturo. We still see eachother every once and a while, but he's got some other agenda/ life, that he doesn't like to be questioned about...he also doesn't like it when my friends tell me where they've seen him in the wee hours after we've parted for the night..."All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well," I'll look up who said that and clue you in, next time.
I have been eating some great food, lots of cheese, and plenty of pasta in order to maintain the shape of my hips and thighs. For pranzo (lunch), however, I had some chinese food, and later this week, some of my girl friends and I are going for mexican at a new restaurant we found...Can't wait for something with a little heat to it.
Oohhh, this week, I went to the most incredible chamber concert. It was a piano quintet (piano, violin, viola, cello, bass), and they played a quintet written by Schubert, and then another by Piazzola, who has a real affection for the cello. It was just beautiful, and completely free.
Nothing incredibly interesting or life changing has happened lately. I'm going to buy some children's books in italian in the next week or so, and then will commence the challenge of not just reading, but comprehending the text...I'll let you know how it goes.
I love you guys.
Ready for pics of my apartment?
So that one is when you walk straight in the door. I've got to get some stuff for the walls, but that is my bed/fold-out loveseat...It's comfortable...
And these to pics are of my "kitchen" and from the direction of my bathroom. Look, there's my bed again!
So, that's my place, it's nothing grand, but it's all mine for the next six months or so, and I have faith that my padrone (landlord) will get me internet, soon!
I've pretty well settled into the city of Perugia. I know where lots of things are, and opening my eyes a little bit more everyday to find new things. I'm also reading plenty, and settling into the lifestyle...that one where they practice the art of doing absolutely nothing for hours at a time. I'm getting really good at that one.
And, I've pretty much decided it's over with Arturo. We still see eachother every once and a while, but he's got some other agenda/ life, that he doesn't like to be questioned about...he also doesn't like it when my friends tell me where they've seen him in the wee hours after we've parted for the night..."All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well," I'll look up who said that and clue you in, next time.
I have been eating some great food, lots of cheese, and plenty of pasta in order to maintain the shape of my hips and thighs. For pranzo (lunch), however, I had some chinese food, and later this week, some of my girl friends and I are going for mexican at a new restaurant we found...Can't wait for something with a little heat to it.
Oohhh, this week, I went to the most incredible chamber concert. It was a piano quintet (piano, violin, viola, cello, bass), and they played a quintet written by Schubert, and then another by Piazzola, who has a real affection for the cello. It was just beautiful, and completely free.
Nothing incredibly interesting or life changing has happened lately. I'm going to buy some children's books in italian in the next week or so, and then will commence the challenge of not just reading, but comprehending the text...I'll let you know how it goes.
I love you guys.