Friday, March 14, 2008

Real Life Part 2

Maybe it’s just that some days hurt more than others. Take, for instance, Mondays. Today was a Monday and in it was a classic sequence of events that gives Mondays their fame.
1. Locked self out of apartment
2. Arrived late to class
3. Cell phone rang during lecture
4. Lesson was dismal
5. Vented loudly to a friend in public
6. Desired internet sites out of service
And thoughts begin to pile on the pain. All of the things I have ever been sad or angry about, come to the surface. My eyebrows join in great furor, my upper lip begins to snarl, and everyone seems to be staring and thinking: “Geez, what’s with her?” And, if they actually asked me, I would tell them. Oh, would I ever tell them! Problem is, they never ask. They stare, they think, some joke, but they don’t dare to ask. And I am left to deal with my personal case of the Mondays alone. That’s right, now I have realized how very alone I am. Not just today, but every day. Every single day…

Are you beginning to understand how the sorrow escalates throughout the day, until even the most adrenaline pumped competitor would have to sit down, find a friend’s shoulder, and have a good cry?

Well, so that’s also very real. We may call those feelings “exaggerated,” but they are real. I call them exaggerated, because those are feelings we are led to by a chain of events that are triggered by a solitary happening. For example: Had I not left my keys in my apartment behind my automatically locking door, I would not have been so self-deprecating as to call myself stupid all morning. However, in the circumstance that I had been thoughtful enough to check for my keys before closing the door, like I do every other morning, I would have been raving to myself, in my thoughts, as I walked to class as to how silky soft my hair felt that day. In fact, all day I would have been smiling with glee over my triumphant hair day (it’s a personal fetish), rather than lamenting my sorry existence! So, just as my exaggerated lamentations are “real” enough to induce tears of great sorrow in need of an entire roll of toilet paper for clean-up duty, so was my exaggerated joy in the simple victory of correct shampoo and product combination. So, sometimes life can be "real" happy, and at other times "real" sad, and the potential for extremities can occur by way of peculiar events. Thing is, however spectacular or crummy a moment may be, it's always real.

Note: These entries are not challenges as to what wisdom has been offered me in the past, they are simply my efforts at creating something during a period of my life when I am without my “sword,” as my brother once put it, when my mother wanted to put my cello in her car, as opposed to mine, on my first move to college. We all need an emotional outlet, I’m taking a stab at articulating my thoughts in a manner that differs from stream of consciousness.


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